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Saturday, 20 April 2019

LN Magneto.

Liquid nitrogen powered hybrid car well could be an answer for today's transport. First to creating power liquid nitrogen generator magneto driven motor. The Micro Flash Expansion Turbine uses liquid nitrogen as its only fuel. When coupled with an electrical generator this turbine can produce clean quiet and renewable energy. It is not a combustion process and so it is extremely eco-friendly.
In lab tests it has the same compreshion ratio as a petroleum combustion cycle. One in seventy making it as power full as a combustion cycle. How would it drive a car? Well it depends on the figures from combustion gas expansion system this maintains an equal ratio during gas combustion. For instance it doesn't freeze up. Flash Expansion turbine has to be very efficient under acoustic tests. Motors just run a Magneto, to drive the power train. Its like this its quite unique and it has to be heated. Turbine compression it drives a three phaze step up gearing system. This jet has to power the rotation from off the crankshaft. A rotary driven crankshaft or a compression jet cycle could achieve 70 bhp.
High pressure injection turbine with a heat exchanger to power the system. A radiator cools a combustion engine. This has the opposite effect, its driven because of expanding liquid from a housing in a thermos causing gas. Sounds like an easier option. Use silicate composite off the injectors. Its a heat expanction liquid into gas. As its a new science few distinctive styles zag at quiet.

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