Wise labs had forum about the simplicity of this technology mainly in the context of dream reading from university discussion six years ago. The process called thought collecting and refinement could lead to spontaneity for example cognitive ability to process large quantities of information and correlate its finding.
This could be done from a small phone with an scanning tool, only a few cent put it working when on an important project, this can be used to gain movement of simulated data and could be used as back up a body of research this is only one option to this an analytically capturing. A team from Radboud
University Nijmegen in the Netherlands used image and shape recognition
software and a specially designed algorithm to assess changes in a person's
brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
technology. During tests the scientists showed participants a series of letters
and were able to identify exactly when, during the scan, they were looking at
which letters. Could we soon be reading people's MINDS? Software uses brain scans to
identify exactly what people are looking at. Software uses shape recognition with an algorithm to interpret brain
scans. It can identify the shape and outline of an item a person is looking at.
The process could also work when people think about a certain shape. Researchers are a step closer
to being able to read people's thoughts after creating a computer program that
can identify what someone is looking at using brain scans. Dutch
researchers have created software that when used with brain scans can identify
the shape and outline of what a person is looking at. During tests, scientists
showed participants letters, pictured, and ran the changes that occurred in the
brain after each letter was shown through a bespoke algorithm to identify them.

Dutch researchers
used fMRI scans to zoom in on changes, pictured, in specific regions of the
brain called voxels, in the occipital lobe. These voxels are around 2x2x2
millimetres big and the occipital lobe is the part of the brain which reacts to
visual stimuli and processes what the eyes can see through the retina.

The scientists were
able to create a database of the specific changes that occurred in each
person's brain after each letter was shown, which highlighted how the brain visualised
the different shapes. These changes were run through a bespoke algorithm
that had been designed to work in a similar way to how brains build images of
objects from the sensory information it receives.
The scientists were able to
create a database, pictured, of the specific changes that occurred in a
person's brain after each letter was shown. These changes were run through a
bespoke algorithm designed to work in a similar way to how brains build images of
objects from the sensory information it receives. This image shows the changes
that occurred in the brain when participants were shown the letter B, left
column, and all six letters, right column. This algorithm was able to convert
the voxels, and their relevant changes, into image pixels, making it possible
to reconstruct a picture of what the person was looking at, at the time of the
scan. The model has been designed to compare letters, yet could be
expanded for other imagery. Marcel Van Gerven, co-author of the study '' said
that the algorithm is also capable of becoming more accurate the more times it
is used and more data it processes. This experiment used information
obtained from a selection of 1,200 voxels, yet van Gerven claims the algorithm
could also be used to reconstruct any image and his team is working on building
more advanced machines that can build images from 15,000 voxels. This
could include complex imagery such as a person's face. During an interview
with van Gerven did warn that this isn't exactly the same as reading a
person's thoughts and more work and understanding about how the brain processes
internal images would need to be carried out before being able to decode
thoughts. Yet he added that if its discovered the brain reacts to
imagination in the same way it reacts to physical visual stimuli then
mind-reading would be possible, potentially leading to so-called telepathic
computer programs.

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