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Friday, 5 April 2013

Printed Defenses.

Protecting a country might be easier than expected as scaled up 3D printing technology could be used to build a house in under 24 hours, according to an engineer from the University of Southern California.
Contour Crafting is a layered fabrication technology that uses a huge movable gantry to build a house in the same way that a 3D printer deposits layers of plastic. Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis  Engineer from the University of Southern California.claims that his Contour Crafting construction method can build entire houses with all the fixtures and fittings.
A 16-man strong team of 'next-generation engineers' from Belgium designed the car, which can go from 0 to 60mph in just four seconds, and can reach 141km/h (87mph). Once the engine was added, the 3D car was ready for its test run, which was completed on the race track earlier this month. It has now also completed a circuit at Silver stone in the UK. A spokesman for materials said: 'With a build envelope that is massive, the Formula Group T team recognised the possibility to not only print the entire body of the car, but to also integrate some unique features directly into its design.
Contour Crafting For small objects s a scaled up version of 3D printing. Maker Bot (above) is a 3D printer that costs around £600 and uses reels of plastic to print objects. On the Field Strong walls are built up layer by layer using concrete with automatic reinforcement, while plumbing and electrics are also added by the system during the building process.
The nature of the technology means it will also be possible to create curved walls and architecture that is both 'exotic' and 'beautiful', according wise labs technologies incorporated into their Eco-friendly race car included an electric drive train, bio-composite materials, and of course, 3D printing on a grand scale with Material's 'Therefore, working in close collaboration with engineers can materialise. This is exactly what they achieved from going from initial shell design to a fully finished 3D Printed car body in just 'three weeks' it will become a cost effective way of driving price with all the required safety.
'3D printing its still in its infancy, although commercial and even domestic printers are now hitting the market. The technology opens up the exciting world of 3D printing to both industry and the public, with many applications in science and medicine. For instance, in the future, you may be able to print out small items for your life - almost anything from cups to trainers. The medical applications are also significant. The technology has been trialled in dental work and bone reconstruction, with one lady having her jaw reconstructed via 3D printing following a bone infection.
Concrete is deposited in layers through a nozzle that moves around the building site with the help of a gantry as the intricate printing process saw much of the car's inner-structure built in to the design, making the shell of the vehicle practically complete once printed, needing little more than wheels and an engine to start moving
. Both the right and left sides of the car were designed and printed with 'complex cooling channels.' Printed into the left side pod are a nozzle behind the radiator and a diffuser, which optimised cooling by creating the ideal flow of air through the radiator. A fan was also installed behind the radiator in order to help airflow even at low speeds and while the car is stationary.
In the right side pod, complex channels were developed and printed to create a cyclone effect that removes water and dirt from the air before it enters the engine compartment. The intricate printing process saw much of the car's inner-structure built in to the design, making the shell of the vehicle practically complete once printed. this tank comes complete with its own knocking game knock knock, it disappeared o that's OK then 'perfactly' written by Wise Labs.

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