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Saturday, 16 February 2013

Biggest Desert Dome.

Biggest dome train tunnel bridge or runway can be done off a simple rail these segments can work a lay out 400 square meters of sun baked rose sand blocks a day, compared to the 75 to 100 square meters which could be done by hand.
Building new domes can be an arduous and back-breaking task but thanks to an invention these roof can withstand anything, as bricks is now as simple as rolling out a carpet. The amazing machine, designed by Wise labs, can create an instant runway in a desert wherever it travels. Laying out 'sun baked desert rose stone bricks baked from a light liquid nitrogen titanium caseing' experimental stage yet in a formation to create perfect canopies.  While the process may look magical, the secret behind the invention lies in a smartly-designed gravity-based system. Roll out the red pavement for a runway. The amazing stone machine can create an instant road wherever it travels.
Its so simple as all 'a worker' as to do is load the bricks into the machine in the desired pattern and gravity does the hard work. As a worker  load the loads the bricks by hand from a hopper into the 'Stone Placer' in the desired pattern. 
From there gravity causes them to slide together rock tight on their base enough to land a jumbo jet two ply, in a sheet of paving onto the ground. Invention the machine has been part in the market but as a dome concept stronger than pyramids creating luxury universities. After all it takes the labor out of kneeling to lay the bricks. It was too labor-intensive Brick roads have long been sought-after due to their attractiveness and durability. 
But have become less common because of the labor-intensive work that goes into laying them, compared to other road surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. However, with this hopper one worker is able to lay out 400 square meters of new road or roof every day, using sun baked paving stones or bricks, compared to a single conventional paver on their hands and knees who would only be able to manage between 75 and 100 square meters.
Perfect paving every time the device is fed loose bricks and lays them out onto the roof as the dome slowly moves along the rales building from the outside never simpler. 
The machine is the remarkable as Wise labs design hopes company's will respond , as this roofer is a runway breaking invention after deciding that squatting or kneeling down to place the bricks into the ground by hand was too much like hard work for many as so intensive this is just a watching operation.  The device, which is as wide as a road and comes in four, five and six-meter widths, is fed loose bricks and lays them out onto a surface as it slowly, moves along bridge or sand. The tread-tracked machine is electrically-powered, and has few moving parts, so noise and maintenance are kept to a minimum. Once the bricks are in place, all a contractor has to do is go over the compacted road surface with a tamper, and the new highway is complete.

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